Currently we are only offering a pure mineral blend in these colors, but please let us know if you'd like us to include other formulations.
Reticent S412les | a soft shimmer tan
Perky S412ler | a high shimmer with a golden glow that has the perfect amount of pink.
Old School OMSA: True Autumn
Keenly Aware S412mmp | a mostly matte shadow
Old School OMSA: Soft Autumn
Brilliant S412ler | a soft shimmer rich khaki
Old School OMSA: Dark Autumn
me me me S412led | a medium shimmer in a light value for a balanced golden glow
Old School OMSA: True Spring
Just Browzing 15 S412m2d | a matte medium greyed brown
Unruffled S412mmd | a mostly matte soft greyed brown
Resplendent aka Just Browzing 7 S412ddp | a matte rich brown
Outrageous S412m2r | a high shimmer golden WOW color
Zippy S412lep | a light soft golden high shimmer
Old School OMSA: True Spring
Tolerant S412ddd | a deep moderate saturation brown
Temptress S412dn | an ultra deep black brown
Valuable S412d2d2 | a matte rich brown that is also a great foundation shade. Old School OMSA: True Autumn
Bonafied S419m2s | a matte brown with a hint of coolness. Old School OMSA: Light Spring